Plainspeak episode 1 & 2: an introduction to misinterpreted phrases

We like to have fun.

Everyone at Echelon pulls their weight. We run; we gun; we conquer and succeed. But true to the old “work hard, play hard” mantra, we let our hair down from time to time.

To that end, our media group is investing some time in a fun side project we call “PlainSpeak”. The goal is to take a phrase that would normally be interpreted one way, and in under ten seconds visually turn the idea on its head. We generally find the results hilarious.

We are sharing the results with all of our adoring fans! Yes-all two of you in the front row. Hi Mom! Every other Monday, starting today, we will release a new episode of PlainSpeak in the Echelon blog.

Since this is the first release, we were a little overly exuberant and made two episodes. Whoops…

Outstanding in your field

A Cup of Joe

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